Your results are our #1 priority. That’s why you’ll only pay for our products if you’re 100% satisfied with them. If you purchase a RealScience supplement and are unhappy with it for any reason, just let us know and we’ll promptly refund your entire purchase. You don’t even need to go through the hassle of returning the item to us. You can simply keep the product, and we part as friends. Very few companies will offer a guarantee like this, but we truly value our customers and know that the quality and effectiveness of our supplements stands on its own.(To protect ourselves from people abusing the refund policy, this guarantee applies to first-time purchases made within 3 months and is valid on a single bottle of each product. If you purchased more than one bottle and would like a complete refund then it’s required that the additional units be sent back to us so we can re-add them to our inventory.)